but it is something that is necessary and vital not to mention we have been commanded and called to do so. Understanding that I am placed strategically at Oklahoma Baptist University to be a disciple for the Lord is scary, but so very exciting because I get the opportunity to tell people about what the Lord is doing in my life and explain to them that our Heavenly Father loves us so much that He sent his Son to die for us. I pray that through not only my words, but also my actions this is conveyed. The Lord has reminded me daily of how special and amazing the power of prayer is. The spirit has been conveying to my heart how important that as a body of Christ and as a body of believers we have an obligation to speak and proclaim his name, in doing this though we are a body and if one person in that body is struggling we are all struggling. It is not our jobs to place blame or judgment on that person, but to come alongside them and give them encouragement allowing them to see that they are not alone nor will they ever be. I am so blessed to have experienced the Father’s love with the team he strategically placed together from OBU and I am so very thankful for the M’s, that led us in the wonderful place they call home.
The Lord worked in immense ways in my life while serving in Zambia. The Lord broke my heart at first, seeing the people and their desperate need (just as everyone else) for Jesus. So in that, God was able to give me eyes to see them with compassion and a desire for them to know the Lord Jesus as I knew the Lord Jesus. So as I was able to share the Gospel with those in the villages- I became almost addicted to it (especially looking back now and where I currently am), I began to understand better how to "break walls down" with the Word of God, and the Spirit used the teams words to open up eyes and soften hearts. I have had my desire for sharing the Gospel grow from this trip, and I praise God for it.
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