Joseph - This last week has been extremely busy, but also an extreme blessing at the same time! We have gone to a village to share about Him every single day! First up was Mulali which was work in itself to get there because of the crazy bumpy mountain road but it is really humbling to know that He used us to make a way for the word to be shared there! We shared with many people there and really enjoyed our time going to house to house just to share about what all the Father has done in our lives through our stories! My story has taken a shift towards highlighting the story about the Father calming the storm and how He calmed the storm that was raging in my life at the time when I came to belief in Him so hopefully that was something that helped the people understand more about Him! The next village was Chipeta where my group did not make it to as many houses but I do think He definitely used us to clarify some false beliefs the people there had so glory to Him! Again, I’m just humbled and thankful that the Father is using us for such big things here in Africa! It has been a lot of work to say the least but He is worth it! Learning and growing so much during our time here and I hope He will continue to work in tremendous ways here!
Hannah - This past week has gone by quickly, before I knew it it was Friday, which was our last day in the villages. Our team spent the first three days in Mulali and the last two in Chipeta. This was the first time that Blake had gone house to house in the first village. It was quite a task to get to Mulali. We spent a day clearing the road so that the truck could get up the mountain. The road the Mulali was rough and rocky, but being able to share the Good News with these people was worth it. The people were very welcoming and the headman was excited for the gospel to be shared in his village, although he is still an unbeliever. In the first and second village we went to, false beliefs have spread, so keep the people of Mulali and Chipeta in your thoughts. It is my privilege to be able to share my story and His truth in these villages. I am reminded of the verse when Paul says, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, and only the Father can make it grow.” It is by the Father’s abounding grace that we have been able to share in these villages. The Father is working the in the hearts of these people. Also lift up the K’s ministry as it continues in Isoka. Blake will go to each of these villages and go through a book of the Word with them. Needless to say this week has been incredible and the Father has taught me so much throughout my time here. The last three Sunday’s we have fellowshipped in the Boma with our other brothers in sisters. It was sad to say goodbye, but I had an opportunity to share my story during part of service, which was great! I thank the Father for his grace upon my life.
Jenna - This week has been such an adventure! For the first few days, we went to the village of Mulali to share the Good News. Getting to Mulali was very difficult because the road is very rough. There are many places we had to get out of the truck so that Blake could make it up and down the rocky parts of the mountain. While it was not very far away, it usually took us about an hour and a half to reach this remote village. Many of the people were very welcoming and were open to hearing the Good News, which was very encouraging! The last village we went to was Chipeta. This is a very lost place, and it was evident throughout our time there. My hope is that the people we encountered will remember the Good News that was shared and that the Father will move in their hearts. Today, we went to the fellowship in Isoka for the last time. The people were so wonderful and I will miss them very much! One of our translators even wrote us a beautiful song that I will never forget. It is difficult to think that today is our last day in Isoka, but I am so excited to see what the Father has in store for these beautiful people in the future!
Mikayla - This past week has been so wonderful and way too fast!! We served in Mulali on Monday and worked there for 3 days studying the Word, walking around sharing our stories all while learning about the village in Mulali. The Lord is working and preparing the peoples hearts in a mighty and powerful way that is so evident and exciting to see. It is so very amazing to see our Father move in the lives of these people. On Thursday and Friday we went to Chipeta. This is a very lost village and we quickly noticed that the hearts of the people were hard to the Good News, but luckily our Father is mighty and powerful and He can move mountains so I am confident that in His time the peoples’ hearts of Chipeta will begin to soften. They were very welcoming and a young man that we spoke with had a lot of questions about his belief and this was such a blessing because we were able to explain to him the Truth and that our relationship with the Father is not based off of our works or what we can eat or not eat, but it is about us believing in him and having faith that he is our Father and we are sons and daughters of the one true king. The Father has been conveying to me how important in our spiritual walk that it is to meet people where they are at and allow the Father to draw there hearts. This is not our work, but the Lord’s and he has created a beautiful country called Zambia and I feel so absolutely humbled that he called me to be apart of his work here!!
Andrew - This past week has been too great for words. With the trips to the different villages I have been able to see the Father do his work in continually drawing people to himself. After sharing the truth with many people I have continually seen walls being broken down by the Father. A huge subject on my heart has been that of the other brothers and sisters here that have been along side us in sharing the truth throughout these villages. I have had a view of what is to come in future glory, and I than the Father so much for that. These fellow believers’ single-minded focus on the truth has been encouraging in immense ways. To sum up my thoughts; I am incredibly thankful that I have had the privilege to be a part of a team that is being used by the Father, as well as being able to see the other believers here.

Molly - Time has gone by way too quickly. We spent the beginning of the week in Mulali. After clearing the road to get to the village days earlier, it was exciting to finally be able to reach the village. During our time in Mulali, we went house to house and did a study. The village is very spread out, so we had to walk quite far in order to reach the houses. However, it was all worth it. There seemed to be many people who were interested in learning more about the Father. The end of the week was spent in the village of Chipeta. This village was a little more closed off to the word, so our time going house to house was somewhat limited. Seeds were planted and watered in both villages, so it will be exciting to see how the Father works over time. Saturday morning was spent picking soybeans with a few of the members on the team as well as a few of the members of the fellowship. It was a really neat experience to see how to harvest. Today, we went to the Boma fellowship for the last time. It was very emotional to say goodbye to those who have spent so much time with us over the past few weeks. I will miss everybody so much and I am so thankful for all that we have learned during our time here.

Paige - The moments that made up this past week are too great for words. From the conversations over cereal and coffee, to hiking to a village, to sitting at the headman’s house and sharing Truth...each moment has been full and I am so thankful for the weeks we have had here. It is so hard to believe our time in Isoka is coming to an end. This past week we were able to share in the village Mulali. To get to this village is a journey in and of itself, but so worth it. We had to get out and walk many times, and the truck was crammed with people. One day we piled 18 people into the Land Cruiser. Though it was hot and very tight, it was so encouraging to see the people of another village excited to bring the Good News to the people of Mulali. And their voices made the trip seem shorter as they sang with their whole hearts. The end of the week was spent sharing in Chipeta. We went house to house, sharing our stories and getting a little glimpse into the lives of these people. Many people had questions and the Good News was shared. Lift up the people of this village. Though we were allowed to share with many, there were still many hard hearts. Our time here in Isoka has been wonderful. Saying goodbye to the fellowship family this morning was hard, and I am dreading our goodbyes to the K family in the morning. They have blessed us and welcomed us and loved us so well. I am so thankful for their hearts for the Father.
Dayla - As we walked through Chipeta village for the last time, looking at the familiar foot prints from the sandals in front of me, I was reminded that just as quickly as we came, we will be gone. Years from now, when we are forgotten, my hope is that the seeds that we planted will have grown into a great harvest of followers. I am grateful for another opportunity to be here and have been amazed at how quickly our time in Isoka has gone. Please lift us up in the next week as we travel, enjoy the Father’s creation as we enjoy Victoria Falls and head back home.
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