Sunday, June 8, 2014

Chipote Village

Mikayla - We began work in Chipote on Thursday and have seen the Father work in many ways, we went through the village house to house and visited with the people. We shared our testimonies and just spoke about how great our Father love is.  We visited 5 houses and at the last house we spoke with 4 ladies who were very interested to hear more about the Father and who he is. One asked if we could explain the story of the prodigal son, which was perfect because we were able to explain how the Most High loves us and even more than our earthly fathers, our Father yearns to have a relationship with us. She began to tear up and said she finally understood, it was such an exciting moment! We invited her to come to the weekly studies that the “M” has and I hope that she is attentive to the Father working in her heart and perseveres to seek and find out more about are absolutely amazing Father.  

Molly - Going to Chipote was a really neat experience. The first day we went, we were unable to gather enough translators, so we stayed in a large group at the Headman’s house. Many men, women, and children from the village showed up to hear the stories of how the Father has transformed our lives. When we came back the next day we were able to break up into groups because three translators had come with us. I was in a group with Dayla, Blake, and our translator Fred. We were able to make it to three different houses, and it was so neat to see how our stories could relate to the people of Zambia even though we come from different cultures. The first house was something I will never forget. Many women from the village gathered to hear our stories. Both Dayla and I shared and as we spoke, the women were very interested in what we were talking about and they even asked questions at the end. It was so humbling to see how the Father could use our stories to bring others closer to Him. 

Hannah - First, shoutout to my baby brother Hunter, who turned 12 yesterday! Happy Birthday buddy. I love you! 
Anyway, we began this week by helping around the house, cooking, cleaning, drilling, and drawing water. Being in Africa always opens my eyes and brings a renewed perspective on life. On Thursday and Friday, Blake took us to a village. Thursday we sat around the headman’s house and shared our testimonies and Blake got to teach to a group of people that showed up. When we arrived on Friday, we were split up into three groups and went in all different directions to share the Good News that the Father has called us all to share. My group stopped at five different homes and we each shared our testimony every time. Many people said they had questions so we invited them to study the Word. The Father is working in these places. False beliefs have infiltrated their hearts, please lift them up for softened hearts and a teachable spirit. Ultimately, the Lord has gone before us and will go after us. It is only Him who can change their hearts. 

Jenna - This week has been such an adventure! For the first part of the week, we were helping out around the house doing things like drawing water, cooking, cleaning, etc. It has been such a blessing to spend time with the Kimbrough family and help them settle in to their new home! Then, we were able to spend these last few days in the village of Chipote sharing the Good News with the people there. It has been so encouraging to see the way that lives are being changed and the Word is spreading so quickly! On Friday, we were able to split up and go to many peoples’ homes to share our stories and to spread the Good News to the people who may not have been able to hear it otherwise. The Father is moving in that village and I cannot wait to see how He will work there and how His word will be spread through them. 

Paige - I don’t think I will ever forget my first time visiting a village here in Zambia.  This week we spent two days in the Chipote village, sharing our stories with the people and listening to theirs.  As we sat down to share, the people gathered, some listening, while others turned away.  Yet the longer we shared, the more intently the people listened.  Their faces told a small part of what was in their hearts as they made connections with our testimonies.  I am so thankful to be here in Zambia.  To be invited into the lives of these people and to be able to share how the Father has worked in my life leaves me so humbled.  Each time one of the people invited me to sit, each time our translator would introduce me, and each time I could share hope, my heart overflowed.  The Father is moving here.  Ask that His word would rest on the hearts of these people and they would come to the saving truth of the Good News.

Joseph - We’ve spent so much time serving this week and it has really been incredible thus far. I’ve really just been trying to do anything I can to try to make sure I’m serving with all my heart in our time here and serving is really giving me a whole new appreciation of things.It’s so great to just help out and lend a hand in whatever way possible! Plus, it allows time to be spent learning and growing with Blake so all I can say is that I’m really thankful that the Father is using me, along with the rest of the team. The second half of the week brought about our time serving in the Chipote village and the Father really did speak through us. We were able to share testimonies on the first day there and the second day, my group was able to visit five of the house areas in the village to share about Father’s gift of salvation and s love for them! Mikayla and Jenna both did an incredible job in sharing and then our friend, Wantula, was incredible as our translator. The Father just really spoke through all of us and answered our requests of letting the people see Him in us. The last few women we shared with said, “We were lost but now we understand and know!” All the glory to Him! Also, I just wanted to take a minute to congratulate my younger brother Lance for graduating from High School yesterday!! Can’t believe it but you did it little bro! Love you Lance! 

Andrew - I cannot thank the Father enough for such an incredible team and translators. It was evident that the Father was moving as we visited the village. As each of us shared our stories we could see how they touched the people of the village. As we returned the next day I was placed with a smaller group with one translator. This experience was very special for me as we (Paige, Hannah, and I) were each able to share our stories five different times. Also, we were able to have good conversation with our translator as he taught us some of the language. I am so thankful for this experience in the village and I am excited to see what the Father will continue to do. 

Dayla - As each day passes, I am grateful for another opportunity to be here.  This week as we shared in Chipote, we were filled with excitement and awareness of the importance of the Good News.  That has been an important reminder to us that sharing the Good News is just as vital at home as it is here. I am grateful to walk with this team, to hear their stories and to grow with them.  I am also grateful for the leadership of Blake as he walks with us, challenging us to question how we do life and to redirect our purpose towards the Father.  As Molly and I were sharing, we had an opportunity to share with several women that related to our stories.  Please lift up the people in this village, that they might know the Truth and turn from their ways.  I am incredibly proud of these students as they share, work, and serve alongside of Blake and his family.  It is evident to me that the Father specifically called each of them here for this time and is doing a work in each of their hearts.  Please ask that we all would have teachable hearts in these coming days.  We are excited to continue sharing in Mulali village tomorrow through Wednesday.  

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